Category: Trump Supporter
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Attendee Captures Moment Shots Are Fired at Trump Rally
William Shelton
Jul 15, 2024
#USA #Crowd #Gun #Guns #Shoot #Shooting #Shoots #Gun Fire #Gunfire #Trump #Donald Trump #Trump Rally #English #Shooter #Shootings #Pennsylvania #Crowded #Donald J Trump #Trump Supporter #Butler #2024 #William Shelton #Pivotingbeliefs84
Southwest Kicks Black Trump Supporter Off Plane
Oct 16, 2020
#Weird #News #Stunts #USA #Plane #Planes #Airplane #Break #Crazy #Rude #Eat #Eating #Strange #New #Kick #ViralHog #Off #Trump #Supporter #Bizarre #Guys #Kicking #Southwest #Odd #Airplanes #Breaking #Kicked #Airlines #Support #Mask #Staff #Policy #Masks #2020 #Trump Hat #Cloths #Eye Witness #Didn't Like
Flag Pole Becomes Battering Ram
Crystal L Ledoux
Sep 20, 2020
#News #Cars #USA #Florida #Car #Trending #Man #Hit #Hits #Crazy #Pole #Girl #Window #ViralHog #Trump #Supporter #Hitting #Flag #Ram #Battering #2020 #Orange Park #Flagpole
Trump Supporters Hit the Street
Aug 08, 2019
#News #California #USA #Street #ViralHog #Trump #Politics #Supporter #Sidewalk #Corner #Protesters #Protesting #Protester #Supporters #2019 #Placard #Placards #Poway
Man Swears and Yells at Woman Driving
Oct 30, 2018
#Weird #News #Cars #Road Rage #USA #Man #Yelling #Texas #Crazy #Yell #Yells #Scream #Screaming #Screams #ViralHog #Trump #Supporter #Racial #Racist #NSFW – Language #Slurs #2018 #Slur #Disrespectful
Female Trump Supporter Pepper Sprayed By Berkeley Rioter During TV Interview
Feb 03, 2017
#Fail #News #Pranks #Featured #California #USA #Trending #Prank #Woman #Lady #Attack #Attacks #Protest #Mace #Trump #Supporter #Pepper Spray #Free Speech #LIVE #Tv #Female #Protests #Television #Speech #Reporter #Berkeley #Uc #Uc Berkeley #Milo Yiannopoulos #Interview #Interviews #Trump Supporter #Milo #Live Tv #Live Television #ABC #University Of California #University Of California Berkeley #Campus #Protester #Speeches
Anti-Trump Protester Punches a Supporter During a Wisconsin Rally
Samantha Petty
Apr 02, 2016
#USA #Protest #Mace #Trump #Anti-trump #Politics #United States #President #Presidential #Primary #Rally #Supporter #Nevertrumper #Donald Trump #Mase #Maced #Mased
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